Classroom & Teaching

Do Your Homework!

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela

A sample media literacy exercise

We learn and work in SMART TECH classrooms, traditional classroom spaces, outside on the lawn, at the Virtual Writing Center, synchronously, asynchronously, and in other campus spaces; sometimes we visit professional conference venues to present student research, and sometimes we conduct field research with other professors or experts. 

The Sorbonne, 2009

The Sorbonne, Paris

Society for Cinema and Media Studies


The American Comparative Literature Association at Harvard University, 2015

The American Comparative Literature Association

Harvard University

Syllabi & Assignments

Recent Examples

Sample syllabi from the many courses I have taught. Select a course and download a sample of my most recent syllabi.

The Modern Victorian Environment

Introduction to
Poetry: Ecopoetics

Introduction to Poetry: The Nature of Poetry in the Nineteenth Century

Introduction to Fiction: Nature in the Nineteenth Century

With Roary, the NYIT Mascot!

Dean’s Digital Cafe,

H20 Friend or Foe Talk

Keynote at Friends of Dickens New York! Celebrating the 206th birthday of Charles Dickens!

Friends of Dickens, NY

Keynote talk on Dickens and London’s Epping Forest!

Dickens Society Symposium

Boston University